Published 10/1/2022
An archive/compendium of Sharedata Chiller
Welcome, it's that spooky time of year again where blue Sharedata Chiller carts loom around in our subconscious, beckoning their baby blue carts and unresting us with their rarity and obscure origins.
With its traces so limited and sporadic, this page hopes to preserve what's been uncovered of this mysterious title, and to perhaps gain a better understanding of its history.
Get your ectoplasmic tabulators charged! It's time to chase the blue ghost of NES collecting, Sharedata Chiller.
To help with identification, I've created a naming convention to index the carts that have surfaced along with their known characteristics. For comparison and reference it's helpful to track AGCI Chiller features/variants/ROM characteristics as well. Towards the end of the page will be a collection of AGCI and Sharedata advertising and additional relevant data.
[ Sharedata Chiller ]
#SC001 [3-digit arbitrary tally number]
#SharedataChiller001 - Distinguishing Features
[ AGCI Chiller, counting variants only]
#AC001 [3-digit arbitrary tally number]
#AGCIChiller001 - Distinguishing Features
Known Examples (Sharedata Chiller):
If you've owned one or have any extra info to add, please consider sharing.
#SC001 - Upside-down label, instruction booklet
Close-up of the same image:
Image Source: saved screenshot of eBay auction.
This was auctioned by a seller in Florida in March, 2012. The auction was poorly listed and sold far below market-value. The cart label is upside-down.The manual is present.PCB/ROM Type: UnknownLabel Code: 700376Back Label Type: Unknown
#SC002 - AGCI-sized Sharedata label, UV EPROMs, Color Dreams PCB
Image Source: Unknown/archived internet post.
Sharedata logo but with AGCI-style label. The number code matches AGCI Chiller but features the Sharedata logo.
Close-up of same cart: The code is cut-off, but appears to read
700142Image Source: Same as above but I zoomed in/rotated image.- PCB/ROM Type: Color Dreams PCB, AMD UV EPROMs
- Label Code: 700142
- Back Label Type: Unknown
#SC003 - Upside-down label, Signetics PROMs, Color Dreams PCB
Image Source: Rosenken (forum post, date unknown)- PCB/ROM Type: Color Dreams PCB
- Signetics 27C256-20 PROMs
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Unknown
#SC004 - Upside-down label, Blue Color Dreams back label*, used price sticker

Image Source: Unknown/archived internet post
- PCB/ROM Type: Unknown
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Blue Color Dreams
- Other Features: Has an aftermarket used price sticker on rear of cart.
*Due to lack of rear images for every example, I'm mentioning the back label if present. Currently no images of a different back label exist.
#SC005 - Upside-down label, Blue Color Dreams back label*
Close-up pic of same cart:
Found in 2020 in an eBay lot with other unlicensed NES games.
- PCB/ROM Type: Unknown
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Blue Color Dreams
#SC006 - Upside-down label
- PCB/ROM Type: Unknown
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Unknown
#SC007 - Front-facing Label
Image Source: NES World
Close-up of same cart showing PCB (source: NESWORLD)
- PCB/ROM Type: Intel UV EPROMs
- EPROMs were also used on retail releases of earlier Color Dreams games, such as Metal Fighter (source)
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Unknown
#SC008 - Upside-down label
Source: Simplynes, archived internet post
- PCB/ROM Type: Unknown
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Unknown
#SC009 - Front-facing Label
- PCB/ROM Type: Unknown
- Label Code: 700376
- Back Label Type: Blue Color Dreams (mentioned on grading info text above cart)
Summary of Known Sharedata Chiller Examples:
- There are currently 9 picture-verified examples of Sharedata Chiller.
- 7/9 known instances have an upside-down label.
- 1/9 known instances have an AGCI-style label with a Sharedata logo (#SC002).
- 2/9 known instances have a front-facing label (#SC007 and #SC009).
- 1 (#SC001) was auctioned with an instruction booklet.
- All except (#SC002) have Color Dreams style labels.
- Only one PCB image exists (#SC003) of the 7 that have upside-down Color Dreams style labels.
- All but one (#SC002) share the same label code of 700376.
- One (#SC004) has an aftermarket used price sticker on rear of cart.
- The instruction manual (#SC001) looks identical - only of what's known, the cover - to AGCI Chiller. Any differences regarding the manual are still unconfirmed.
Known Examples (AGCI Chiller):
#AC001 - AGCI Case, Color Dreams PCB, AMI ROMs
- AMI Mask ROMs
- Color Dreams PCB
** More AGCI variants exist, this archive is a work-in-progress **
ROM Differences:
- Title Screen text: Chiller for Sharedata
- Title Screen text: Chiller by American Game Cartridges Inc
- The HES (Australia) version of the ROM with "Chiller by American Game Cartridges Inc." title text exists with a build date of September 21, 1990 hidden in the ROM. (source)
- Currently it's unconfirmed whether Sharedata Chiller (blue cart) has a different ROM code.
Sharedata Advertisements
Sharedata Ad #1 -
Source: Computer Entertainer, January 1990, pg. 17
"ShareData to enter Nintendo market
Three arcade-based titles licensed from Exidy
ShareData has announced CHILLER (MSR $19.95) licensed from Exidy, its first title for the NES. Set in creepy graveyards and moldering castles, this is a shooting game that uses either light gun or control pad and permits simultaneous two-player action. The company also announced but did not show NES versions of two additional Exidy games, CROSSBOW and DEATHRACE. ShareData's games are independently produced and neighter sponsored nor endorsed by Nintendo." - Computer Entertainer,, January 1990. pg. 17.
Sharedata Ad #2 -
Source: Gamepro Magazine Issue 6, January 1990, pg. 78:
"Sharedata is planning the release of their first title, the Exidy coin-op hit Chiller! The title is being billed as the first "budget' Nintendo cart--that is, under $20.00! Sharedata has licensed other Exidy titles for conversion. We can look for them in 1990. Check the next issue of GamePro to see how you can win your own copy of Chiller!" - Gamepro Magazine Issue 6, Jan. 1990, pg. 78.Sharedata Ad #3 -
Source: Gamepro Magazine Issue 7, February 1990, pg. 67:
Sharedata Ad #4 -
Source: GamePro Magazine, Issue 8, March 1990
Sharedata Ad #5 -
Source: GamePro Magazine Issue 9, April 1990, pg. 103:
Sharedata Ad #6 -
Source: Video Games & Computer Entertainment Magazine, April 1990, pg. 50
"Sharedata, a company that is known for its computer software, demonstrated an NES version of the Chiller arcade shooting game. Thankfully, this cartridge will be brought out with a $19.95 price tag, well below the normal pricing of NES-compatible cartridges. Other similarly priced games will follow." - Video Games & Computer Entertainment Magazine Issue 15, April 1990, pg. 50.
AGCI Advertisements:
AGCI Ad #1
(source: NES Artifacts)
Chiller - Now Shipping!
Death Race - September 15!
Crossbow - September 30!
Coming Soon.. Shock Wave"
AGCI Ad #2
"List Price $29.95!
"Chiller - Now Shipping!
"Death Race - Available Now
"Crossbow - Next Release!"
AGCI Ad #3
(Source: Video Games & Computer Entertainment Magazine, Dec. 1990, pg. 151)
They appeared to remove the pricing and release date text for this later version of the ad.
AGCI Ad #4
(Source: Aktueller Software Markt [German Magazine], July 1991, pg. 130)
Summer CES Chicago 1991 coverage, July 1991.
AGCI Ad #5
(Source: Computer and Video Games Magazine, Issue 117, August 1991)
Summer CES Chicago 1991 coverage
"...AGCI had Wally Bear, Shockwave, Death Race and Chiller."
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